How To Get Cheep Teen Car Insurance – New Guide Provided By Insurance Experts - The Chestnut Post

How To Get Cheep Teen Car Insurance – New Guide Provided By Insurance Experts - The Chestnut Post

How To Get Cheep Teen Car Insurance – New Guide Provided By Insurance Experts - The Chestnut Post

Posted: 25 Oct 2019 07:38 AM PDT

This post was originally published on this site
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"Teens are considered high-risk, thus making them really costly to insure. However, there are some ways to lower the premiums", said Russell Rabichev, Marketing Director of Internet Marketing Company. has released a new blog post that informs readers about how to save money on teen car insurance.

Being a teen automatically places a driver in the high-risk category. Auto insurance companies use several arguments related to age, lack of experience and teen-specific behavior. Plus, statistics show that they are right: teens are riskier drivers. However, there are ways to lower car insurance costs for teens. Find out how and get free quotes at

  • Study hard and reap valuable discounts. Teens that have really good grades are regarded as more responsible. Companies also assume that they spend more time preparing for courses, rather than venturing outside and exposing themselves to accidents. The good-student discount can reduce insurance costs by 5%-15%. Some companies offer discounts as high as 35%. This will seriously offset insurance costs.
  • Graduate approved defensive driving courses. Teens who graduated defensive driving courses are also rewarded with cheaper premiums. These courses will improve the driver's skills and knowledge. They will also offset some license points, thus avoiding further price increases. Before enrolling in a class, make sure that the insurer approves it. It is best to ask if the insurer offers defensive driving programs. It is in their best interest to keep a pool of safe drivers as clients.
  • Buy a safe car. Car's make, model and details will influence the overall costs. It is recommended to let the teen drive a safe, medium-size car. They come equipped with all sorts of devices and systems that lower the accident risk. Avoid buying deluxe or sports cars. The combo teen-car will make the insurance extremely expensive.
  • Sign a driving contract and agree to respect certain driving habits. Teens can lower insurance costs if they sign a contract where several conditions are stipulated. For example, the teen agrees to always wear a seatbelt, to close all mobile devices while driving, avoid DUI and avoid coming to dorm rooms very late. Violating those conditions will make the insurer automatically deny any claim. is an online provider of life, home, health, and auto insurance quotes. This website is unique because it does not simply stick to one kind of insurance provider, but brings the clients the best deals from many different online insurance carriers. In this way, clients have access to offers from multiple carriers all in one place: this website. On this site, customers have access to quotes for insurance plans from various agencies, such as local or nationwide agencies, brand names insurance companies, etc.

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