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35 Quotes & Affirmations For When You Feel Overwhelmed

We all feel overwhelmed from time to time. With how busy (and stressful!) daily life can be, it's easy to get overwhelmed. And when that happens? That's when you take a moment, take a breath, and ground yourself. These quotes about being overwhelmed can help you refocus.

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It's natural to feel overwhelmed sometimes. These overwhelmed quotes can recenter you.

  • When you feel overwhelmed, take a deep breath and then take things one step at a time.

  • When the only way around an overwhelming task is through it, start by doing one thing you can right now.

  • Let go of everything you think you have to do. Pause and breathe.

  • When you feel overwhelmed, make a list of the things you can control and those you can't. Then, begin by focusing on one thing you can control.

  • Everything will get done. The way through is one step at a time.

  • "Keep it simple and focus on what matters. Don't let yourself be overwhelmed." ~ Confucius

  • You don't have to tackle everything right this second. Focus on one thing, and when that's done, focus on the next.

  • One foot in front of the other, and you'll be okay.

  • Give yourself a break and allow yourself the space to breathe. Everything else can wait.

  • Focus now on what really matters. The rest will sort itself out.

  • "You can't do everything. But you can do anything, one thing at a time." ~ Alex Mandossian

  • The only thing you can control is yourself. Take a deep breath and do the things that you can and let everything else take care of itself.

  • Remember everything is temporary. This, too, shall pass.

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    Feeling overwhelmed is uncomfortable. But these inspirational sayings can help you remember the truth... That you can accomplish anything.

  • Although the task feels monumental, you've done much harder things than this before.

  • Life isn't a race. Take things one step at a time and give yourself plenty of space to breathe.

  • Perfection isn't expected — just your best efforts.

  • Take a break. Your health and well-being matters more than this.

  • "For fast-acting relief, try slowing down." ~ Lily Tomlin

  • Focus on the step you're taking now, not on the mountain you're climbing.

  • "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." ~ Lao Tzu

  • Everything can wait. Take care of yourself first, and everything else will fall into place.

  • "It always seems impossible before it's done." ~ Nelson Mandella

  • To make the impossible possible, take it one step at a time.

  • To reach the light at the end of the tunnel, walk through the tunnel one step at a time.

  • Sometimes the most difficult things are the ones most worth doing.

  • Related: What to Do When You're Overstimulated

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    Sometimes all you need to help you through your overwhelm is to feel some hope. These affirmations can help you find a place of peace.

  • This can wait. My self-care needs are more important right now.

  • I will get through this. I can do difficult things.

  • I've been through worse than this, and I always come out on top.

  • I am the calm in the storm.

  • The storm is around me, not in me.

  • I don't need to be perfect. I just need to do my best.

  • I have done harder things than this, and they've helped me grow. This will, too.

  • I can do hard things.

  • I am strong and capable, and I will get through this.

  • I am resilient and capable. I will get through this.

  • Related: 91 Affirmations for Work to Bring Positivity to Your Day

    If you're feeling overwhelmed right now, you're not alone. But you can find your zen and move peacefully through whatever storm is raging around you. Try these quotes and affirmations to recenter and regain your peace.

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    40+ Self-Forgiveness Quotes That'll Bring You Peace

    We tend to be harder on ourselves than we are on anyone else. And sometimes, we beat ourselves up for even the tiniest mistakes (guilty!). But whether you've made huge mistakes or tiny ones, self-forgiveness is essential for finding peace and boosting your sense of self-worth. These self-forgiveness quotes can help you get over whatever you've done and move forward with a new sense of zen.

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    You can't heal what you don't acknowledge. And we tend to stuff those things we think are unforgivable about ourselves deep into our shadows where we think we can safely ignore them. Unfortunately, the things we stuff into our shadows always find a way of leaking back out until we do the work to forgive ourselves and move on. Doing the work can be incredibly healing, as these quotes about self-forgiveness show.

  • What we hide in the shadows will always surface. Self-forgiveness releases those things, so we don't need to hide them anymore.

  • Self-forgiveness brings peace.

  • Self-forgiveness releases you from pain.

  • The universe has already forgiven you. Now, it's time to forgive yourself.

  • Carrying anger, disappointment, or self-hatred keeps you from moving ahead. Self-forgiveness is the way forward.

  • The first step in a better life is forgiving yourself.

  • What you did is in the past. You can't do anything about it except learn from it and forgive yourself.

  • Self-forgiveness is always the way forward.

  • "Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does change the future." - Paul Lewis Boese

  • Self-forgiveness shines a light into the shadows.

  • It's okay to let yourself off the hook. You did the best you could with the tools you had at the time. Take accountability, make amends, and then let it go so you can move forward.

  • "The forgiving state of mind is a magnetic power for attracting good." - Catherine Ponder

  • Guilt and shame hold you back. Self-forgiveness releases you to move forward.

  • If you want better relationships in life, the first step is always forgiving yourself.

  • Self-forgiveness is the ultimate act of self-care.

  • Treat yourself with the same level of understanding and compassion as you would with those you love the most in the world.

  • Before you can learn and grow from your mistakes, you must first forgive yourself for making them.

  • Related: 100+ Self-Love Captions to Celebrate Who You Are

    LoveToKnow / Creative via Shutterstock

    One tool you can use on the path to self-forgiveness is affirmations. These quotes about self-forgiveness are all written as affirmations. Speak or write them exactly as-is, or make them your own.

  • I forgive myself for my mistakes.

  • I am grateful for the mistakes I've made because they help me grow.

  • I forgive my past errors and use them as the impetus for growth.

  • I forgive myself and love myself unconditionally.

  • I release guilt and shame for my perceived flaws.

  • I release the guilt and shame of my past acts and move forward in self-love.

  • I have deep compassion for myself.

  • I treat myself with the same compassion I treat those I love.

  • I forgive myself for choices I have made in the past that have done me harm.

  • I release the past and step confidently into the future.

  • I release myself from self-blame.

  • I forgive myself for not being perfect.

  • I set aside blame and love myself unconditionally.

  • I set aside shame and allow myself to feel forgiven.

  • The universe has already forgiven me, and I forgive myself.

  • LoveToKnow / Creative via Shutterstock

    Shame is such a harmful emotion, especially when it is deep-seated and internalized. Shame can rob you of self-worth and keep you from finding peace and joy.

  • "We cannot heal what we cannot feel. So without recovery, our toxic shame gets carried for generations." - John Bradshaw

  • Before you can be your authentic self, you must find self-forgiveness and release your shame.

  • Shame makes us feel like we have something to hide, so we live in the shadows. Self-forgiveness frees us to live in the light.

  • To release shame and forgive yourself, you must first get to the root of why you feel ashamed.

  • Shame makes you your own greatest enemy. Self-forgiveness helps you return to self-love.

  • Shame and self-loathing walk hand in hand. Self-forgiveness leads to unconditional self-love.

  • To love others, you must first love yourself. So, one of the best reasons to release shame and forgive yourself is so you can love yourself and, thus, love others.

  • Shame blocks self-love and compassion. Forgiving yourself removes the blocks.

  • What would you say to a child who is feeling shame for the things you're ashamed of? No doubt, you'd react with forgiveness and compassion. Give yourself the same grace.

  • Give yourself grace for the choices you've made. You did the best you could, and moving forward, you'll do better.

  • Carrying internalized guilt and shame is a form of self-harm, and it keeps you from living a peaceful life. So acknowledge your mistakes, learn from them, make amends, and forgive yourself. Once you find self-forgiveness, you can make choices that serve you better as you move forward.

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    23 Positive Vibes Quotes That Will Uplift & Inspire You

    The power of positivity cannot be overstated. A scroll through TikTok will provide endless manifestation methods to raise your vibes and live your best life, but the root of each technique always comes down to the same thing: harnessing positivity and joy. Words hold the same magic — it's called spelling, after all — and those you say, read, write, and hear can have a profound impact. You can infuse your life with positive vibe quotes in order feel inspired and motivated.

    In the same way daily affirmations and mantras boost you into a more elevated state, quotes that inspire positivity in you can help turn you into a magnet for goodness (and speed up your manifestations).

    "Joy is the highest vibration in the known universe," Amy Leigh Mercree, a medical intuitive and bestselling author tells Bustle, "Its energy raises our vibration."

    When we're feeling those good vibes, it creates a snowball effect, influencing multiple areas of life. "These include improved feelings of wellbeing, as well as the ability to manifest whatever we desire, including prosperity and happiness," Mercree says. "You are the architect of your reality. Craft one with joy, harmony, pleasure, and ease, and life will expand into bliss."

    To call in some holistic cheer, here are some of the best positive vibes quotes to inspire you and attract more joy.

    "The same light you see in others is shining within you, too." - Morgan Harper Nichols

    A woman sitting cross-legged meditating while she manifests with positive vibes quotes

    Delmaine Donson/E+/Getty Images

    We're all little sparks of the universe, so if one person is dazzling in a way you admire, know that you have that same twinkle inside yourself too. You are just as capable of doing great things as the person you're comparing yourself to.

    "Know your magic, trust your magic, use your magic, and know that you are a manifestation of life's magic." - Rasheed Ogunlaru

    Just as the light in others is also in you, Ogunlaru's words are vibing with the same energy. You are magical, just as those around you are, so use it!

    "Joy is not in things; it is in us." - Richard Wagner

    Positive vibes and joy are within us all.

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    As Mercree can attest, inner joy attracts more joy. The idea also relates to a major manifestation principle: If you're trying to manifest a vacation, do you want the experience of sightseeing? Or is it the feeling it'll bring you? In this case, everything comes down to how you feel, not the physical thing itself.

    "Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable." —John Wooden

    The same idea goes here. When you're manifesting success, it's really the feeling, or as this quote says, the peace of mind, that you're manifesting.

    "And suddenly, all the good things started chasing me." - Wild Faith

    A woman doing yoga and listening to positive vibes quotes for affirmations

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    If you're on manifestation TikTok, you've probably seen the viral mantra, "I don't chase, I attract." Well, here's what happens when you embody that affirmation, your desires start chasing you.

    "If you look for the good things in life, you will find them. If you look for opportunities to grow and prosper, you will find them. If you look for positive, enthusiastic friends and associates who will support you, you will find them." - Zig Ziglar

    The thoughts that are taking up the majority of your headspace are going to influence the reality that you see. If your mind is full of gratitude and love, you're going to see more things to be grateful for and more love coming into your life.

    "Most people are thinking about what they don't want, and they're wondering why it shows up over and over again." - John Assaraf

    Just as positive thoughts can influence more positivity in your reality, the reverse is also true.

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    Just as positive thoughts can influence more positivity in your reality, the reverse is also true. For example, if you're constantly worrying about getting a flat tire, the signal you're putting out and will be likely to see is, you guessed it, "flat tire" — it's the basis of manifestation.

    "Be pleasant until 10 o'clock in the morning, and the rest of the day will take care of itself." - Elbert Hubbard

    The energy you immerse yourself in when you first wake up and start your morning will set the tone for the rest of your day. That's why morning meditation practices go so far in creating positive energy for not just your first few hours, but your whole day, your week, and essentially, your life overall.

    As you think, you travel, and as you love, you attract." - Zen proverb

    A woman on a couch listening to positive vibes quotes affirmations while meditating

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    They don't say reading is the cheapest way to travel for nothing. When you cast your thoughts out somewhere, you're sending a part of you out, hence, the traveling. And as love is one of the highest vibrations you can feel, the manifestation gurus will attest that it's a recipe for attracting more love and positive vibes.

    "When you visualize, then you materialize. If you've been there in the mind, you'll go there in the body." - Dr. Denis Waitley

    It's easier to picture a place you've been than one you haven't, but when you visualize, you are, in a sense, "going" there. The more you do this, the more familiar you become with this place. It becomes normal for you and not such an out-of-reach idea, making it easier to materialize in the 3D.

    "Everyone visualizes whether he knows it or not. Visualizing is the great secret of success." - Genevieve Behrend

    Feeling positive vibes is your gut feeling or sixth sense indicating you're okay and on the right pa...

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    In other words, you're always manifesting something, regardless of if it's intentional. The key is to take your thoughts and make them a conscious, intentional process so what materializes does so on purpose.

    "Good vibes are nature's way of telling you that you're in the right place or with the right person." - Bruce H. Lipton

    That's your intuition talking. Feeling positive vibes is your gut feeling or sixth sense indicating you're OK and on the right path.

    "The only limits that exist are the ones in your mind." - Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

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    The mind is such a strong and strange and powerful thing. If you think you can't you probably won't bother trying and therefore you've created a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    "Change your thoughts and you change your world." - Norman Vincent Peale

    A young woman reciting positive vibes quotes on a yacht and drinking Champagne

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    You're the architect of your own reality, and it all starts with your mind. "Joy helps us to infuse our body, mind, and spirit with positive energy," Mercree says, "We can activate the power of positivity by repeating the word joy in our minds(or aloud) like a mantra. When you do this you can feel the energy of joy elevating around you raising higher and higher."

    "Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions." - the Dalai Lama XIV

    You create or attract happiness in your life by first taking control of your mindset.

    "The more you feed your mind with positive thoughts, the more you can attract great things into your life." - Roy T. Bennett

    Just as nutritious foods bring more energy and health to your body, positivity does the same for your mind, and in turn, your reality.

    "The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." - Oprah Winfrey

    A woman manifested her dream dinner party using positive vibes quotes

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    Oprah offers the same sentiment here and as she's basically the human embodiment of the law of attraction, any vibey quote by her should be taken as a universal truth.

    "Good vibes are like waves on a lake. As you drop your stone into the water, they will multiply and recreate infinity of good vibes coming back to you at fast rate." - Isabelle Esling

    "Good vibes are like waves on a lake. As you drop your stone into the water, they will multiply and ...

    Oleh_Slobodeniuk/E+/Getty Images

    As Mercree put it, joy is the highest vibe. So imagine a little drop of joy plopping into the lake and then coming back to you in exponential waves.

    "Miracles happen to those who believe in them." - Bernard Berenson

    It's all mindset. You can bet the most successful manifestors out there wholeheartedly believe in miracles.

    "There is always something left to love." - Gabriel García Márquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude

    A smiling woman writing positive vibes quotes in her manifestation journal

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    When you're at an extreme low, seeing the positives in things can become quite difficult. This quote serves as a great reminder that there are always at least the smallest of things to cherish and be grateful for. Whether that's something as simple as the air you breathe or the water you drink — pick something and allow yourself to feel the most gratitude possible for that one thing and you'll already be on your way up.

    "The more you count your blessings, the more blessings you will have to count." - Vex King, Good Vibes, Good Life

    Keeping a gratitude journal full of positive vibes quotes is a good way to stay uplifted and inspire...

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    Speaking of gratitude, this explains why so many people swear by gratitude journaling. Having a gratitude practice where you're acknowledging both the small and bigger things helps you notice and be more aware of all the little blessings that happen every single day, and ultimately feel all the more grateful for them.

    "Take note of the little things that sing: there is still room to find gratitude right here." - Morgan Harper Nichols

    Here's another positive quote on gratitude because it doesn't get much higher vibes than being grateful. And this one serves as a reminder and an example of one of those little things that you may not usually ever pay notice to, but are worth acknowledgment.

    "What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create." - Rhonda Byrne, The Secret

    Your thoughts become your reality, so strive for thoughts of positive vibes.

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    It's manifesting 101. Your thoughts become your reality, so strive for thoughts of joy, as Mercree suggests.

    "The past has no power over the present moment." — Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now

    One quote with good positive vibes?

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    If you deal with a lot of stress and anxiety, this one is a hugely helpful reminder. What's done is done and what hasn't happened yet, well, hasn't happened. So focus on what you can do now.

    "How silly of me to forget that I am the love of my life." - Maia, The Rise, The Fall

    You're the one person you have to live with for your entire life. Practice that self-love on the regular.

    "A flower blossoms for its own joy." - Oscar Wilde

    Gardening helps creates feelings of positive vibes.

    Studio4/E+/Getty Images

    When you're not channeling your inner flower, it's easy to concern yourself with things like how quickly and beautifully the other flowers around you are blooming. But flowers don't concern themselves with such things, and neither should you.

    "Our talents are gifts from the universe, to the universe." - Natalia Beshqoy, If Stars Could Speak

    In other words, the energy you give is the energy you receive. It all comes back around.

    "If you were born with the weakness to fall, you were born with the strength to rise." - Rupi Kaur

    A woman doing a warrior yoga pose and listening to positive vibes quotes in her living room

    miniseries/E+/Getty Images

    It's called balance. Next time you feel like you've failed, change your context by remembering this quote because mindset will take you further than you think.

    "With change comes the chance to falling love with yourself again." - Gemma Troy

    These quotes about positive vibes can actually boost your mood.

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    Change is hard, but getting stuck in monotony is harder. It may be scary at first, but with change comes growth and you might just like who you grow into even more.

    "As you move through the day, may you know it's OK to create a little space, to let this day be what it needs to be and however you can, create room to simply breathe." - Morgan Harper Nichols

    Slow down to feel positive vibes.

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    The pace of life these days doesn't exactly lend itself to slowing down and connecting with yourself. Thanks to hustle culture, it constantly feels like you have to be doing this and that all the time. But that's simply not sustainable or healthy, so take this as a reminder to slow down and connect with yourself. Let it go and let it flow.

    "When you choose yourself, everything around you will choose you too." - Maia, When The Waves Come

    You can't get a more literal example of the law of attraction than this. If like attracts like, then choosing you, yourself, means more choosing you by others.

    "Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you. Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion. Set your life on fire." - Rumi

    How about knowing the entire universe is on your side for little boost of positive vibes?

    nazar_ab/E+/Getty Images

    How about knowing the entire universe is on your side for little boost of positive vibes? This quote is not only comforting, but motivating to take action on your dream life.

    "Tell yourself how wonderful you are, how great you are. Tell yourself how much you love yourself." —Don Miguel Ruiz

    A woman deep in meditation as she listens to positive vibes quotes

    Delmaine Donson/E+/Getty Images

    Positive affirmations go so incredibly far when it comes to manifesting and just being more joyful in general.

    "Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Ralph Waldo Emerson's vibey quote can also serve as a positive affirmation to tell yourself daily. Go into each day like it's your best day ever, and it just might play out that way.

    "Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions." - Albert Einstein

    Given what he clearly knows about positive vibes and the law of attraction, Einstein may just have b...

    Zorica Nastasic/E+/Getty Images

    Einstein was way ahead of his time. Given what he clearly knows about positive vibes and the law of attraction, he may just have been an OG manifestation girlie.

    "The universe doesn't give you what you ask for with your thoughts — it gives you what you demand with your actions."- Steve Maraboli

    Mindfulness and positivity creates uplifting change.

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    One of the biggest manifestation tips the pros will tell you is about the law of action. There are actually 12 universal laws (there's more than just the law of attraction!) that are what spiritual manifestation coach Latha Jay calls the guidelines of manifesting. The law of action, she says, is the most important of the 12. "It's the missing piece in most people's manifestation efforts," she tells Bustle. "Action is the catalyst for the change. The law of action says that you have to take steps towards your goals for them to manifest into reality."

    "Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality." - Earl Nightingale

    Your subconscious mind is a major player when it comes to manifestating — like, even bigger than you...

    panaya chittaratlert/E+/Getty Images

    Your subconscious mind is a major player when it comes to manifestating — like, even bigger than your conscious mind. It's all the little beliefs that you may not even be aware of and could be picking up from your environment — which is why it's so important to surround yourself with positive vibes! Maybe you have a particularly supportive co-worker who is constantly telling you you're going to be a famous singer. Your conscious mind might think that's unrealistic, but the repetition of being told so could plant the idea that it is quite realistic for you.

    "Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." - Christian D. Larson

    The power of positivity and belief is essentially all you need to get to the other side of anything that may stand in your way. Believe you can and the hard part is out of the way.

    "Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand." – Bob Proctor

    This positive vibe quote by Bob Proctor is one of the most frequented in the manifestation world. It's plain to see why as his words are a pretty straightforward description of how manifesting works.

    "The entire universe is conspiring to give you everything that you want." - Abraham Hicks


    Amy Leigh Mercree, medical intuitive and bestselling author

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    This article was originally published on May 14, 2024


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