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103 Father's Day Captions For All Your Sweet Photos

When is the best time to tell your dad how much you love him? Trick question: You should be telling him every day! But Father's Day is an excellent time to start. This holiday is an opportunity to honor and appreciate all the incredible men who have shaped our lives—from biological dads to stepfathers to grandpas. One popular way to do this is to share a pic (or five) of you and your pop on social media. And, of course, you'll need the perfect Father's Day captions to go with those images.

Before you stress over trying to find those perfect words, let us stop you right there—we've got you covered. From sentimental Father's Day messages to funny quips, this list of the best Father's Day captions provides 100-plus ways to celebrate your dad. Read on to find the one that best suits the most important guy in your life.

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Funny Father's Day captions

Fathers Day CaptionsRD.Com, Getty Images

  • Happy Father's Day! I got you … this Instagram post!
  • Dear Dad, Happy Father's Day! Love, your favorite child. (Shhh—don't tell the others.)
  • Dear Dad, you're my favorite. (Don't tell Mom.)
  • PSA: It's not the "check engine" light. It's the "call your dad" light.
  • I got you the best Father's Day gift ever: me!
  • I know I wasn't the easiest kid to raise, so thank you for sticking with me. But according to Grandma, you got what you deserved.
  • You're not just a dad. You're a cool dad.
  • Are your jokes bad jokes or dad jokes? Same difference. But today, you can tell as many as you want.
  • I don't want to be cheesy, but I hope you have a grate Father's Day. You are a gouda dad. Love, your Babybel.
  • Happy Farter's Day! (I was going to fix the typo, but it's still true.)
  • Dear Marlin, I touched the butt. Love, Nemo
  • Happy Father's Day to the guy who always said yes when Mom said no. Speaking of which, can I have $5?
  • When they asked me in school who the best founding father was, I said … you.
  • Behold, the Slayer of Spiders and the Lord of Lawnmowers.
  • Dear Dad, you are definitely one of my favorite parents.
  • Sorry to everyone else, but I've got the best dad.
  • Feel free to name your gray hairs after me, Dad.
  • I'm amazing, so clearly you must be a pretty decent dad. Good work!
  • You smile because you're my dad. I laugh because there's nothing you can do about it.
  • I love my dad more than he loves the garage. And that's saying a lot.
  • Add in one of these Father's Day jokes that prove you're just as funny as your dad.

    Cute Father's Day captions

    Fathers Day CaptionsRD.Com, Getty Images (2)

  • If you don't believe in heroes, it's just because you haven't met my dad yet.
  • Just me and my best friend.
  • A dad is a daughter's first love.
  • I totally won the dad lottery.
  • I got your eyes, and they are my favorite feature.
  • If life came with a user's manual, it would be authored by "Dad."
  • I might have outgrown your lap, but I know I'll never outgrow your heart.
  • All my favorite memories have you in them, Dad.
  • I have loved my dad for my whole life.
  • There aren't enough hearts or likes to show the depth of my love for you.
  • I love you more than Taylor Swift loves eyeliner.
  • Just sitting here thinking about the time you let me drive the riding mower even though Mom told you not to.
  • I may not have a prince, but I am still a princess because my father is a king.
  • Dad, I'll always look up to you, no matter how tall I grow.
  • I love you to infinity and beyond. Thanks for always being my superhero.
  • I'll never be able to repay you for everything you've given me. (Literally, I have no money.)
  • I wish everyone could have a dad like mine. The world would be a much happier place.
  • From dad jokes to burnt toast, you are the dad I love the most.
  • The mugs were all true: You are the #1 Dad.
  • My dad is my favorite teddy bear.
  • Need more cute pictures for next year? Plan one of these fun Father's Day activities, and be sure to take lots of pictures!

    Sentimental Father's Day captions

    Fathers Day CaptionsRD.Com, Getty Images (2)

  • You were there for me during all the big things and all the little things too, and that means everything to me.
  • I know I don't say it enough, so I want to say it today: I love you, Dad!
  • Thanks for making me the man/woman I am today—I wouldn't be here without you.
  • My dad sacrificed everything for me, and I'll love him forever for it.
  • Thanks for being my rock and for always being there when I need you.
  • I wish I had more than one day to celebrate you, Dad. Every day should be Father's Day.
  • Thank you, Dad, for everything you do and are—not just today but every day.
  • I am my father's daughter/son, and I wouldn't want to be anything else.
  • You will always feel like "home" to me.
  • Nothing cheers me up on a bad day like a hug from you.
  • Today I can run because you first taught me how to walk.
  • A father holds a child's hand for a short time, but they hold their heart forever.
  • My first memory of my dad was [insert memory], and it's still one of my favorites.
  • You were the first person to make me laugh, and we've been laughing together ever since. Here's to many more years of dad jokes.
  • You've been my anchor when I needed to stay close to shore, my sail when I needed adventure, and my lighthouse when I needed to come home.
  • You're smart, funny, kind and loving—I couldn't have asked for a better role model, Dad.
  • Dad, you made me who I am today—sarcastic, hilarious and addicted to eating ice cream out of the tub at midnight. (I am your kid!)
  • Sure, I wouldn't be here without you, but you wouldn't be a dad without me! It's a good thing we have each other.
  • Thanks for being there for me from the beginning; I'll stay with you until the end.
  • I know my dad loves me because he made sure to tell me every single day. So now it's my turn: I love you, Dad.
  • These also work great in a card. Here's what else to write in a Father's Day card.

    Short Father's Day captions

    Fathers Day CaptionsRD.Com, Getty Images (2)

  • BFF: Best Father Forever.
  • ILYSMD! (I love you so much, Dad!)
  • Happy Father's Day to the best dad ever.
  • Love you to the moon and back.
  • The man. The myth. The LEGEND.
  • Proud son/daughter moment.
  • Every day should be Father's Day.
  • Not perfect. But pretty darn close.
  • These short dad jokes also make excellent Father's Day captions.

    Father's Day quotes you can use as captions

    Fathers Day CaptionsRD.Com, Getty Images (2)

  • "Daddies don't just love their children every now and then. It's a love without end." —George Strait
  • "Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, storytellers and singers of song." —Pam Brown
  • "Saturday mornings, I've learned, are a great opportunity for kids to sneak into your bed, fall back asleep and kick you in the face." —Dan Pearce
  • "You can tell what was the best year of your father's life because they seem to freeze that clothing style and ride it out." —Jerry Seinfeld
  • "To her, the name of father was another name for love." —Fanny Fern
  • "Any fool can have a child. That doesn't make you a father. It's the courage to raise a child that makes you a father." —Barack Obama
  • "Having children is like living in a frat house. Nobody sleeps, everything's broken and there's a lot of throwing up." —Ray Romano
  • "A boy needs a father to show him how to be in the world. He needs to be given swagger, taught how to read a map so that he can recognize the roads that lead to life and the paths that lead to death, how to know what love requires, and where to find steel in the heart when life makes demands on us that are greater than we think we can endure." —Ian Morgan Cron
  • "I feel that the greatest gift that I can give my children is the freedom to be who they are." —Will Smith
  • "Lately, all my friends are worried they're turning into their fathers. I'm worried I'm not." —Dan Zevin
  • For more, check out these amazing dad quotes.

    Father's Day captions for stepdads and grandpas

    Fathers Day CaptionsRD.Com, Getty Images (2)

  • Thank you for choosing to be a part of my life—I will always choose you too.
  • Some dads are born; others are made.
  • I love you as my dad, but I love you even more as my child's grandfather.
  • Thanks for three generations of [insert last name] family love.
  • We're all so lucky to have you in our lives.
  • I'm grateful every day that we found each other.
  • I love the way you love our family—every single one of us.
  • You're my stepdad because you stepped into my life exactly when I needed you.
  • Thanks for being my bonus dad. You've brought so much extra love to my life.
  • Having you in our family has made us bonded, blessed and blended.
  • Grandpa, thank you for your infinite stories, wisdom, patience and love.
  • Grandpa hugs are the best medicine.
  • Grandfathers are like stars: You might not always see them, but you know they're always there, shining a light for you.
  • Get inspired by these stories of dads who went above and beyond for their kids.

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    Farewell MFJ

    We were sad to hear that after 52 years in operation, iconic ham radio supplier MFJ will close next month. On the one hand, it is hard not to hear such news and think that it is another sign that ham radio isn't in a healthy space. After all, in an ideal world, [Martin Jue] — the well-known founder of MFJ — would have found an anxious buyer. Not only is the MFJ line of ham radio gear well regarded, but [Martin] had bought other ham radio-related companies over the years, such as Ameritron, Hygain, Cushcraft, Mirage, and Vectronics. Now, they will all be gone, too.

    However, on a deeper reflection, maybe we shouldn't see it as another nail in ham radio's coffin. It is this way in every industry. There was a time when it was hard to imagine ham radio without, say, Heathkit. Yet they left, and the hobby continued. We could name a slew of other iconic companies that had their day: Eico, Hammarlund, Hallicrafters, and more. They live on at hamfests, their product lines are frozen in time, and we're sure we'll see a used market for MFJ gear well into the next century.

    Maybe you aren't a ham and wonder why you would care. Turns out MFJ made things of interest to anyone who worked with RF transmitting or receiving. If you were a shortwave listener, they had antennas and related gear for you. They also made antenna analyzers and network analyzers that were very cost-effective compared to other options. If you wanted clean power supplies, MFJ had quite the selection of those. They even had a great selection of variable capacitors and inductors, which are tough to find in small quantities. You could even get air-wound coil stock, knobs, meters, and toroids.

    Sure, most of what they sold was things only hams or other radio operators wanted—that was the nature of the company. But their loss will be felt by more than just the ham community. Someone, of course, will step into the void as they always do.

    So farewell MFJ. We will miss you, but we look forward to meeting your replacement, whoever that might be. While you can spend a lot of money on ham radio, you can get started for $50 or less. Oddly, we haven't directly featured much MFJ gear on Hackaday over the years, but we have mentioned a few.

    CAPTION CERN CONTEST – Saying Goodbye To An Old Friend

    The tangled web woven by Week 22 of the Caption CERN Contest has come to a close. It's been another bumper week with 112 comments. Thank you to everyone who submitted a caption! We realize it may have been hard for some of the network engineers out there to type through their tears, but thank you for persevering! While we don't know exactly what these two CERN scientists were wiring up, [rwells97] did figure out that the scope in the image is most likely a Tektronix 545/A, which was a popular scope back in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The weight on a beast like that was around 70 lbs!

    The Funnies:

  • "Dude, this one's full of wires too! Every single one of these is full of wires! Why would anyone need so many wires? What in the name of God were they DOING down here?" – [The Green Gentleman]
  • "Getting to blinky" required a whole lot more work then the engineers realized…" – [Kieran Paulger]
  • "I think I lost an electron back here, Bob. I'm positive." – [Christine Hampton]
  • This week's winner is [alan] with "Daft Punk was actually two of CERN's best acoustics researchers prior to forming the band. Here they are after hours working on the track that would later be named 'Da Funk'". [Alan] is a Computer Science PhD candidate with focus on computational biology, specifically population genomics. Hopefully he has some hardware in the mix somewhere, because we're sending him a Stickvise from The Hackaday Store!

    Week 23

    cern-23-smSomething a bit different this week. CERN is probably best known for the various particle accelerators they've had over the years. One of the first units was synchrocyclotron SC-1, which operated from 1957 to 1974. According to the album page on CERN's servers, SC-1's last day of operation was celebrated with a funeral procession. Scientists, and staff walked the grounds with flowers, top hats, and even a shrouded coffin. We can all related to decommissioning a well-worn piece of equipment. Be it a computer, a machine tool, or even a synchrocyclotron, there are always the mixed feelings of thanks that it did a good job, and relief that it will no longer need to be maintained.

    Even though we have a pretty good idea of what's going on in this image, we're going to caption it anyway! Give us your best captions of what you think is really going on here! This week's prize is a LightBlue Bean from The Hackaday Store. Add your humorous caption as a comment to this project log. Make sure you're commenting on the contest log, not on the this post. As always, if you actually have information about the image or the people in it, let CERN know on the original image discussion page.


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